Temple Membership

Help support the daily operations of the Temple

Temple membership dues for 2024

You can help support the Temple financially by renewing or starting your Temple dues. Together with fundraising activities and donations throughout the year, dues generate the funds that enable us to enjoy Senshin Temple program activities and services (including a full-time minister), as well as maintain the temple grounds and facilities. The 2024 Senshin dues include the BCA assessment paid for each Senshin temple member.


Temple Support CategoryBy CheckBy PayPal / Credit Card
Couple / Family with BCA Membership (includes all children up to 18 years old)$440.00 $450.00
Individual wtih BCA Membership$240.00 $246.00
Individual Senior with BCA membership (Over 80 years of age) $165.00 $170.00
Senshin Senior (Over 80 years of age)(Dana Amount)(Dana Amount)
Friend / Supporter(Dana Amount)(Dana Amount)
College Student $20.00 $21.00
Gift Membership Select Temple support Category, using above categories. Please use a new form for each gift and enter the recipient’s name in the member name and other information. Senshin will send a note to your gift recipient(s) notifying them of your gift.

** For couples, if there is one qualifying senior, we ask the non-qualifying senior to pay an individual membership.

Send Membership renewal form along with check to:

Senshin Buddhist Temple
1311 W. 37th St.
Los Angeles, CA 90007-3960

Make checks payable to: Senshin Buddhist Temple

Press button below to visit the Paypal site where you can pay via your PayPal account or via Credit Card

After you enter the amount of the Dana, the next page has a recap of your donation and a space “This is for….” In that space you can type your designations. Please indicate ‘Temple Membership’